Properties of some of its components (According to information gathered from specialists):
- ALCANFOR: Anti septic and slightly analgesic. Relief of itching and skin irritation even caused by insects, bactericide, has been used for centuries for the relief of pain, local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory. It produces superficial corporal well-being.
- MENT: Anesthetic, decongestant, antibacterial, refreshing, when applied on the skin, increases blood flow.
- CAMOMILA: Chamomile oil provides relaxing, soothing and anti-inflammatory benefits. SALVIA: Stimulant, antiseptic, healing, anti-inflammatory , relaxing, useful to reduce body odor. Contains vitamin A and C.
- OLIVE OIL: Moisturizer to keep the skin elastic, hydrated, it is well known its use in massages. Contains vitamin E (antioxidant) and vitamin K (skin soothing) .
- ALOE VERA: Read detailed description in the BodyMilk and AfterSun.
- ARNICA: Analgesic, antibacterial effect, soothing pains, relief of irritations and swelling. Experts recommend for the relief of arthritis and osteoarthritis. Very used in sports. The new SindóloR Gel, is also used in Magnetotherapy to improve the effects of it.